Streaming Motion Capture Data to Unreal Engine

Moverse Studio provides the capability to stream motion capture (mocap) data directly to Unreal Engine through Live Link. This feature allows for real-time visualization and interaction with mocap data within the Unreal Engine environment.

Follow these steps to set up and start streaming:

Step 1: Initiate Streaming

  • Locate and press the Streaming button at the main bar of the studio interface to open the streaming controls.

Step 2: Configure Streaming Settings

  • The streaming container will appear. You can add a new stream by pressing “New connection”. Then, you can set the following parameters:

    • Stream Name: Enter a name for your stream to identify it within the network.
    • IP: Input the IP address where you want to send the mocap data.
    • Port: Specify the port number for the data stream.

    Unreal Engine Streaming Configuration panel

Step 3: Start Streaming

  • Once all settings are configured, click Enable begin streaming the mocap data.
  • The stream name will be highlighted to indicate that streaming is active.

Step 4: Configure Unreal Engine

  • To ensure that Unreal Engine properly receives and processes the mocap data, follow the detailed instructions available in the plugin.


By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate Moverse Studio’s motion capture data into Unreal Engine for real-time visualization. This setup is ideal for developers and creators who need dynamic interaction with mocap data in their projects.